If you want to work in the information technology sector, first you will need to finish some schooling. A bachelors degree in computer science is probably the best route, although you may even decide to get a masters degree if you really want to get a high paying career in one of the more demanding IT fields. You will also need to have some experience under your belt to really get a hold of the jobs you want.
There are plenty of schools offering information technology and computer science degrees ranging from associates degrees to masters degrees. There are also certificate programs, although a BS degree is recommended. Before you apply to any schools, you will want to learn about all the options, including both technical schools and traditional four-year universities. You may also prefer an art institute that offers computer-related degrees, although these may be more geared towards graphic design and web development.
It is important to be realistic if you are going to get into a good computer and information technology program. Look at the types of students currently attending, and see if you might be qualified. Find out whether the program would work with your schedule, and see what it costs. There is no point wasting your time applying if you would not be a good candidate for this program in the first place. You may also want to speak with counselors at the school to get a better idea of how to submit a good application. You can take a tour of the campus. There are online schools as well, which might be more appropriate if you work or have a family to care for. This is an especially popular option for computer science programs, since the real-life work is all done on a computer.
It is a good idea to apply to several schools, so you are more likely to get into a program, and so you will have more options available to you. This will involve submitting an application and paying an application fee. There may also be requirements such as submitting a portfolio and going through an interview process, depending on the school.