Learn How To Create iPhone Apps

Good day and a huge hello into the world of making iPhone applications. For those who have read my previous article, you will know I keep harping on about following a process. The reason for this is I actually do want you to succeed and become a great iPhone app maker. Therefore I make no apologies for re-iterating the point on the PROCESS. Lets continue!

For those who are unaware iOS is the operating system that has been developed specifically for the iPhone and has had several improvements since its initial launch in 2007. The newest variations support the iPod, iPad etc. The updates and the actual download options for iOS7 are free of charge and links to these downloads are blasted all over the internet. It is a good idea to check on available downloads and updates from time to time to ensure you have the most up to date version of iOS.0.3 at the time of this writing. Every new release has improvements that help increase the functioning of the hardware which iOS7 supports. .

To support that statement of success there has been over 60 billion downloads of Apple applications since the inception of the iPhone and by the middle of 2012 there had been over 400 million devices sold. That was nearly two years ago. Everything I have just mentioned is viewable and can be confirmed online.

The will often be complaints about new features and improvements but you cant completely please 400 million plus users all the time. Compare that to a Microsoft unsatisfied complaint base if it would dare to have one.

The point I am trying to make here is that when you start to learn how to create iPhone apps you will have a solid market place that has already been established for eager clients and customers alike. You will still have to make your app attractive and stand out for your potential clients but at least you will have potential clients to start off with.

As the iPhone 5s is the latest release we will focus mostly on the recent improvements to iOS7 which include support for 64 bit. As an iPhone app maker what does that really mean to you? If you start making iPhone apps that include the new 64bit architecture your applications will likely see an increase in performance as well as being able to process more data. That means a greater improvement on the whole iPhone app idea you may have.

Ok now we have established what iOS is and why it is needed, as a potential iPhone app maker you need to have an initial idea or at least a concept for one. The honest truth is that there are millions of Apps available for download within the iPhone app store so the likelihood of you actually coming up with a totally new concept is at best remote. To get inspiration and new thoughts to add to your iPhone app idea this is where to begin. i.e within the iPhone app store.

Don’t be tempted to dive in head first without testing the depth and understand what you want your app to do but don’t overcompensate it. So we will start at the end and then go back to the beginning. Firstly have a browse around the various apps in the app store and try and find similar apps to your concept. Once you have found like minded apps review them, and read the customer feedback.

Here you will be looking for both the good as well as bad points. Establish why they are good and bad points and when it comes to mapping out your own iPhone app idea concentrate on improving the customers experience by improving your application to fit in with those expectations. Here is an idea! make your app available as a 64bit download. God willing you should be familiar of what I am trying to get across.

As a brief conclusion we have discovered and discussed iOS7 and what to do when you start to map out your own iPhone app idea. Remember start at the end then go back to the begging. Planning is they key and following a process without going off track will help you become an expert iPhone app maker. There will be times when you falter but do not be afraid. Making an odd mistake or two is natural to anyone and we all make them.

That is OK, expect to make mistakes but minimize them in your planning by asking your self the what if question. I will go into more on this subject together with what you should be aiming for with your iPhone app creation in my next article. Wishing you the very best of success whilst learning how to develop iPhone apps.

Planning a strategy is the ultimate requirement for Making iPhone apps. Each stage has a separate set of processes that you have to implement. Should you choose to implement the complete process properly.

Author: admin