Posted in Android
Qr Code Integration With Android Platform
Author: admin Published Date: November 9, 2018
We are using ZXing (pronounced “zebra crossing”) image processing libraries to scan QR Code using Android device. The solution involves easy steps to integrate Zxing libraries with Android to direct auto scan of QR Code. We are using Android environment for development that Eclipse Java IDE. Setp1: Acquire Zxing libray (Zxing 1.7 release bundle) from here (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/downloads/list) Step2: Extract the zip bundle. Step3: Create a new Android sample Project in Eclipse for QR Code Auto Scanner Test and set target to Android 2.2 SDK version. Step4: Locate Android folder from the extracted bundle and pick CaptureActivity.java source file. Step5: Also…